Theodore Mayer
Theodore Mayer is Academic Director of the Institute for Transformative Learning of the Bangkok-based International Network of Engaged Buddhists (INEB). He designed and directs the SENS (School of English for Engaged Social Service) and 3OM (One-On-One Mentoring) programs, which aim to foster leadership that can respond intelligently and compassionately to the complex global crises now developing with climate breakdown at their core. Theodore is a U.S. anthropologist who was born in India and has resided much of his life in Asia. He is also a certified teacher of peer-listening practices known as “Co-Counseling” and a language teacher who has developed curricula for English, Spanish, and Thai. His earlier research and writing focused on movements that seek inspiration from Buddhist traditions to work for both personal and social transformation—a phenomenon known as “socially engaged Buddhism.” His recent focus has shifted towards inquiry into the meaning of transformative learning and teaching in a time of rapid and potentially catastrophic change. His core question has been to ask what it will take to bring about both a widespread awakening to the dangers and possibilities of our time and a determination to cooperate in creating social arrangements conducive to genuine peace and flourishing.