Mariko Komatsu

  • Educational Vision Institute, Hiroshima University

Mariko joined the Hiroshima Organization for Global Peace in 2021 as Coordinator for Global Collaboration in May 2021 to promote the nuclear weapons abolition agenda before the centennial of the Nuclear Age arrives in 2045. Born and raised in Hiroshima, Mariko has always been interested in the nuclear justice, and that led her to work with the NGOs to assist hibakusha, the atomic bomb survivors, to share their testimonies around the globe and after the nuclear power plant accident in 2011 to help the residents in Fukushima to gain Radiation Literacy. Mariko has graduated from McGill University with B.Ed. and Hiroshima University with M.Ed. in curriculum development. Currently, she’s a Ph.D. candidate in social psychology researching the interrelatedness between trust, risk perception and civic engagement, especially in youth. Mariko is also a member of the Peace Education Archive project at the Educational Vision Research Institute of Hiroshima University (EVRI), collecting oral histories of the school teachers in Hiroshima to elaborate the role of education, how it helped or hindered students to shape their idea of peace and further contribute to peace building.