Dicky Sofjan

Dicky Sofjan, Ph.D. is a Core Doctoral Faculty in ICRS, based in the Graduate School of Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM). His interests include religion and politics, religious literacy, international affairs, human dignity, ethics and sustainability. Dr. Sofjan’s publications have been published in Journal of Religions, Asia-Pacific Network (APN) Science Bulletin, International Review of Faith and International Affairs, Journal of Hemispheres, Journal of Middle Eastern and South Asian Studies, Al-Jami’ah, Globethics.net, Areca Books, Yayasan Obor, Mizan, etc. He has worked and collaborated with the European Union, US State Department, Ford Foundation, Henry Luce Foundation, Globethics, Carnegie Council, Greenpeace Middle East and Africa and Southeast Asia, The Nature Conservancy, UNDP and other international organizations and development agencies. Dr. Sofjan was appointed as a Visiting Fellow/Professor in Iran, Japan, Malaysia, Bulgaria and Italy, and has spoken in many international academic conferences, workshops and strategic international events, including G20 Interfaith Forum, EU, OHCHR, UNCTED, ASEAN, USINDO and others. Dr. Sofjan’s interviews and quotes have been published and aired by international news outlets such as Forbes.com, Voice of America, The Economist, The Diplomat, Digital News Asia, Jakarta Post, Pakistan’s National Herald, Corriere della Sera, La Repubblica, Radio Vaticana, Radio International Singapore and others. He can be contacted at: dickysofjan@ugm.ac.id.