Supa Yaimuang

  • Founding Director, Sustainable Agriculture Foundation Thailand

Supa Yaimuang is the Director of Sustainable Agriculture Foundation (Thailand), a non-profit focused on sustainable agriculture, food sovereignty and sustainable food systems. With her lead, her organization has supported local farmers to develop their own learning processes that enable them to foster their agricultural knowledge and discover key sustainable agriculture practices. Supa has also worked on strengthening food sovereignty and sustainable food systems by helping local farmers connect more closely to the land and by enabling those indigenous farmers who produce food to reach more consumers for their produce.

Not only has Supa supported local farmers in rural areas, she has also worked with urban communities, especially with poor households. Supa has raised awareness of issues such as food security and healthy food access of urban communities. She has been supporting households to practice urban agriculture, so that they can gain access to a wider variety of nutritious foods.

She has conducted research pertaining to the fields she has been working on, including farmers’ rights, climate change and adaptation in agricultural sectors.